Casualty's Chelsea Halfpenny: 'All Cal’s fears are confirmed!'

Will Cal expose Alicia as a cheat?
Will Cal realise Alicia's cheated with his brother? (Image credit: BBC / Alistair Heap)

Cal finds a secret phone in girlfriend Alicia’s locker. Will he twig that she’s slept with his brother, Ethan? Star Chelsea Halfpenny reveals how Alicia’s complicated family affairs unfold in this weekend’s Casualty…

Doctor Alicia Munroe has been busy! She’s managed to bed brothers Ethan Hardy (George Rainsford) and Cal Knight (Richard Winsor), and they’re both a little bit in love with her. Suspicious Cal has found Alicia’s secret, second phone and Chelsea Halfpenny tells us more…

How has Alicia found herself in this love triangle with brothers Ethan and Cal? "I don’t know – the girl hasn’t the willpower to keep her feelings to herself! Honestly, I think a lot of this has to do with past relationships and the way her family life is at the minute."

Alicia was devastated when she discovered her dad cheated on her mother. How are things at home now? "Not great! This week we find out more about her dad, Howard, and mother, Jackie. The Munroe family have fallen apart and Alicia’s no longer the happy-go-lucky person who first arrived in Holby. She’s lost trust in relationships having seen her parents split up. This week we delve deeper into family issues – it’s a really exciting episode!"

Does it help explain why Alicia chose to date Cal when Ethan seems a better match? "Her parents’ split has made Alicia rethink what she believes love to be. She looked to Cal for comfort and thought of him as a kindred spirit – when, really, everyone knows Ethan is the one she should be with! She made the wrong choice at time when she was feeling vulnerable."

Cal is convinced Alicia has cheated on him, but has no idea it’s with his brother! Does Alicia realise how upset Cal is? "Alicia is completely unaware of it! After she slept with Ethan, Alicia went about her day like nothing happened. She’s really trying to forget about it and is in denial. Alicia doesn’t suspect Cal’s in any way paranoid because he’s not usually that kind of person."

In Saturday’s episode Cal discovers Alicia has a second, secret phone. How does he react? "Cal believes this second phone means Alicia is having a separate life with someone else. All Cal’s fears are confirmed in that moment. He reacts as any red-blooded male would do and lashes out!"

How hurt do you think Cal will be if he uncovers Alicia and Ethan’s betrayal? "I think Ethan is the last person Cal would think of. You know what they say – it’s always the quiet ones! Cal’s pride would be wounded, but also, he’d be he’d be completely surprised and massively hurt."


Elaine Reilly
Writer for TV Times, What’s On TV, TV & Satellite Week and What To Watch

With twenty years of experience as an entertainment journalist, Elaine writes for What’s on TV, TV Times, TV & Satellite Week and covering a variety of programs from gardening and wildlife to documentaries and drama.


As well as active involvement in the WTW family’s social media accounts, she has been known to get chatty on the red carpet and wander into the odd podcast. 

After a day of previewing TV, writing about TV and interviewing TV stars, Elaine likes nothing than to relax… by watching TV.