Camp Dread (2013) | Eric Roberts calls the shots in the 1980s-style reality show horror


Camp Dread (2014)

Imagine a reality show where the contestants - a succession of unpleasant characters - are eliminated not by standard ejection but by hanging, drowning, strangling, beheading and all manner of murderous methods. Welcome to Camp Dread.


A group of deliquents - amongst them killers, blackmailers, sex offenders - have been sent to the camp as part of a new reality show, Dead TV. This is their last chance to avoid prison or rehab and if they avoid elimination they could win $1 million along the way. Manipulating the contestants is down-at-heel horror director Julian Barrett (played by Oscar nominee Eric Roberts), using the same set as his old horror franchise Summer Camp. But with these eliminations being permanent, winning the game becomes everything...

Camp Dread is out on DVD in the UK from 23 June 2014