Casualty spoilers: Iain Dean asks Faith out!

Iain Dean helps a couple celebrate their anniversary in Casualty
(Image credit: BBC)

Iain Dean gets flirty with Faith while Rash and Tina revisit difficult past events in Casualty...

Warning: Casualty spoilers about Iain Dean, Jacob Masters, Tina Mollett, Faith Cadogan, Rash Masum, and more…

Iain Dean asks Faith on a date

Faith is flattered by Iain's attentions in Casualty - until he starts mansplaining nursing!

Faith is flattered by Iain's attentions in Casualty - until he starts mansplaining nursing! (Image credit: BBC)

Neither nurse Faith Cadogan or paramedic Iain Dean have been particularly lucky in love, but is that set to change when they work closely together in Casualty this week? 

The seeds are sown when Iain brings Alzheimer’s patient Bobby Stair into the ED after she has a fall. Bobby is closely followed by adoring husband Ken, who’s eager for them to return home and celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary over a candlelit dinner, something they do every year. 

At first Faith (Kirsty Mitchell) and Iain (Michael Stevenson) annoy each other while treating Bobby - Iain keeps pointing out the obvious to Faith, while she worries Ken caused bruising to Bobby’s arm. But the pair unite when it becomes clear Ken can no longer cope with being his wife’s primary carer and is himself in need of urgent medical attention…

With Ken needing to stay in hospital, Faith arranges respite care for Bobby. But before the couple - played by real life husband and wife Emma and Rupert Vansittart - are separated Faith and Iain organise a special candlelit dinner for them in the ED.

The touching and romantic experience brings Faith and Iain closer together, prompting Iain to ask Faith out! But is Faith ready to move on from her marriage to Lev Malinovsky and romance with Dylan Keogh? 

MORE: Iain Dean's return spells the end of Leon Cook's career at Holby!

Tina gets a traumatic reminder of Nate’s death

After a shocker of a shift, Tina struggles to connect with Jacob in Casualty

After a shocker of a shift, Tina struggles to connect with Jacob in Casualty (Image credit: BBC)

Cracks deepen in Jacob and Tina’s relationship this week. 

The sudden death of a patient reminds Tina (Adele James) how her brother Nate died in the ED under Jacob’s care. 

Sadly Tina is traumatised that she didn’t get to say goodbye to Nate even though she was nursing upstairs at the time. Now working in the ED is a daily reminder of Nate’s tragic death adding to her grief. 

Tina explains to Jacob (Charles Venn) how difficult it is for her to work where her brother died, knowing she could have been with him in his final moments… Is this something the couple can come through together?

Rash gets a blast from the past

Eastenders star Raji James guest stars as Rash's mentor in Casualty

Eastenders star Raji James guest stars as Rash's mentor in Casualty (Image credit: BBC)

Rash does a lot of running around in this week’s Casualty! The medical drama revisits the doctor’s school days when his former track and field coach Adil (guest star Raji James) is admitted to the ED.

Rash (Neet Mohan) is shocked by Adil’s decline since he last saw him. His old mentor is dishevelled, injured, drunk and despondent. As the drama unfolds it transpires Adil has given up hope and is drinking himself to death. 

Can Rash help Adil?

Also in Casualty this week

Rash reaches out to Adil in a touching Casualty storyline

Rash reaches out to Adil in a touching Casualty storyline (Image credit: BBC)

Ever intuitive, Robyn Miller (Amanda Henderson) becomes Rash’s confidante, helps him through a difficult shift, and learns some surprising facts about the young doctor’s past. 

Meanwhile, Ethan Hardy (George Rainsford) dumps a tricky financial meeting on Rash. 

Despite the junior doctor being completely out of his depth Rash turns out to be full of surprises! Will Ethan start to see Rash in a different light?

And with Jan no longer needing his help, Iain's head is turned by Faith. What will Lev and Dylan think when they find out?

This episode of Casualty airs on BBC1 on Saturday 15 May at 9.20pm

Elaine Reilly
Writer for TV Times, What’s On TV, TV & Satellite Week and What To Watch

With twenty years of experience as an entertainment journalist, Elaine writes for What’s on TV, TV Times, TV & Satellite Week and covering a variety of programs from gardening and wildlife to documentaries and drama.


As well as active involvement in the WTW family’s social media accounts, she has been known to get chatty on the red carpet and wander into the odd podcast. 

After a day of previewing TV, writing about TV and interviewing TV stars, Elaine likes nothing than to relax… by watching TV.