What Makes A Murderer – C4

Paul Aldridge What Makes A Murderer
(Image credit: Richard Ansett)

In this week’s What Makes A Murderer on C4, convicted killer Paul Aldridge goes under the microscope to see what led him to murder 22 years ago

Neuro-criminologist Professor Adrian Raine and forensic psychologist Dr Vicky Thakordas-Desai examine the mind of killer Paul Aldridge (pictured above) in this week’s episode of C4’s fascinating series What Makes a Murderer, which asks if it’s nature or nurture that leads people to kill.

In 1996 at the age of 20, Paul was convicted of beating to death an elderly hitch-hiker and served 22 years in prison after being found guilty of murder by joint enterprise.

Paul with experts What Makes A Murderer

Dr Vicky Thakordas-Desai and Professor Adrian Raine look into Paul Aldridge’s background and brain in What Makes A Murderer on C4

Now Paul undertakes a series of biological and psychological tests to see what factors may have influenced his behaviour on that fateful night. 

For full listings, see our TV Guide.

TV Times rating: ****