Casualty reveal: Jan determined to DESTROY Iain?

Jan feels exposed when her personal life becomes public knowledge among some Holby ED staff
Furious Jan Jenning gets Iain kicked out of the ED AND calls the police (Image credit: BBC)

Casualty star Michael Stevenson gives us the inside story on Jan’s new-found hatred for Iain…

Cracks have been appearing in the Holby Hospital paramedic team for some time now. The death of colleague Sam Nicholls especially devastated the frontline medics, particularly her best friend and former lover, Iain Dean.

This week the structure of the formerly comradely crew comes crumbling down when paramedic boss Jan Jenning (Di Botcher) reports co-worker Iain Dean (Michael Stevenson) to the police for hospitalising her drug dealing son, Ross.

Their next performance appraisal is going to be awkward!

Here we talk to Casualty star Michael about the shocking new development in Iain and Jan’s relationship…

We need to talk about Ross…

"He’s a wrong un! Chris Gordon plays him brilliantly. Ross West is a really raw character and one we’d like to tap into more, given he’s Jan’s son. Ross and Jan are very contrasting characters."

How does Iain react when he discovers Ross – who he has just knocked unconscious – is Jan’s son?

"Iain’s in a bit of a bubble about what’s happened [his pal Base has died from an overdose from drugs supplied by Ross] when Jan comes in and announces she’s Ross’s mum. It’s another thorn in his side. The weight of it doesn’t exactly register in that moment. Iain’s not in a great place anyway, so it’s taking him a few beats longer than normal to comprehend everything that’s happening."

Is Iain shocked when Jan becomes fiercely protective of Ross?

Iain's angry when Jan refuses to believe Ross is a drug dealer and responsible for Base's deadly overdose

Iain's angry when Jan refuses to believe Ross is a drug dealer and responsible for Base's deadly overdose (Image credit: BBC)

"Absolutely! The blood is thicker than water rule is true here, so a different side of Jan comes out. Her loyalties lie with her son and that’s hard for Iain to accept. It’s another thing that taps into Iain’s darker side and depression."

Why does Jan doubt Iain from the off?

"She’s got no reason to believe in Iain at the moment. Iain’s actions with the pub fight and various other scrapes he’s been getting into can’t really be accounted for. So when Jan sees the state Iain’s put Ross in she hasn’t much choice. Her son has been hospitalised by Iain. Jan sides with Ross, and rightly so."

When Jan turns her back on Iain he faces time in prison for assaulting Ross

When Jan turns her back on Iain he faces time in prison for assaulting Ross in Casualty (Image credit: BBC)

Which is why she reports Iain to the police?

"Absolutely, and you can certainly justify Jan’s actions, but it just adds to Iain’s woes. In a way, Iain acted instinctively and with due cause, but nothing’s going right for him at the moment."

Iain’s future looks bleak and terrifying!

"Yes, the fact that someone he needs on his side has turned their back on him… The truth is tough and needs to come out!"

Casualty continues on BBC1 this Saturday at 9.20pm

Elaine Reilly
Writer for TV Times, What’s On TV, TV & Satellite Week and What To Watch

With twenty years of experience as an entertainment journalist, Elaine writes for What’s on TV, TV Times, TV & Satellite Week and covering a variety of programs from gardening and wildlife to documentaries and drama.


As well as active involvement in the WTW family’s social media accounts, she has been known to get chatty on the red carpet and wander into the odd podcast. 

After a day of previewing TV, writing about TV and interviewing TV stars, Elaine likes nothing than to relax… by watching TV.