Emmerdale's Danny Miller: 'Lucy nearly broke my jaw when she slapped me for real!'

Emmerdale’s Lucy Pargeter and Danny Miller tell TV Times about their relationship on and off screen...

How do you get on in real life?

Lucy: “I am very protective of him. When he first started he was quite young, so I tended to be like a mother hen. I am like that with everybody, sorting out scripts, making sure people know where everything is in the building, and helping them find somewhere to stay. I am an organiser. So, I do mother him and make sure he is OK and I am upset if he is unhappy.”

Danny: “I won’t say that Lucy is like a mother, as she might not like that. I’d say she is like my big sister. She is very supportive.”

What’s the secret behind your on-screen relationship?

Lucy: “Danny makes work a lot of fun. He does silly voices and mimics people, so I always know the day is going to be enjoyable, even if we are doing heavy scenes. But even though he messes around, the focus is always underneath and he takes the job seriously. He is very professional for a young lad.”

Danny: “It’s always refreshing working with Lucy. When Aaron first told Chas about Robert, she had to slap me and she did it for real which is against the rules really!

"People said ‘Wow, tears fell down your face after that slap’, but that wasn’t fake, she really cracked me with her right hand. There isn’t much in it between her and Pauline Quirke – she made my ears ring and Lucy nearly broke my jaw.”

You’re doing some running scenes together – do you run in real life?

Lucy: “My theory is that the only time a girl should run is if there is a sale on at Harvey Nicks. I don’t run. It’s not good for your boobs, knees or face. I would rather have it sucked out and nipped than go for an actual physical run.

"The scenes where I run are hilarious. I take photos, send them to Rudi [Lucy’s boyfriend Rudi Coleano] and say ‘Look, I am actually in workout gear.’ I don’t have to act looking exhausted; I am huffing and puffing after about four steps.”

Danny: “I used to run, but I stopped and started going to the gym instead. When Aaron really overdoes it, I tend to hold my breath and run up and down the street so I am really out of puff when the camera starts rolling. I hate it when actors are supposed to have done a 10-mile run, but they don’t even look tired.”

What do you make of the Aaron/Robert situation?

Lucy: “I think that Danny and Ryan Hawley are doing brilliantly. They are so electric on screen. Chas isn’t happy about it though. Aaron says it is off at the moment, but she suspects it is still on because he is acting very stressed.

“It was shocking when Brookside did the first lesbian kiss, but seeing two men kiss on screen isn’t surprising any more. I like the fact that we are seeing the vulnerable side of Aaron as he is with someone who could drop him like a stone. When I watch them on screen, I say ‘Don’t you dare be nasty to him!’ Heaven help Robert if Chas finds out he’s hurt her son.”

Danny: “I’m enjoying the drama. Aaron is in love with Robert and he’s reached a point where he is prepared to lie to his mum to have the relationship.

“Robert has said it will never be anything more than a fling, but Aaron would rather have that than nothing. The kissing scenes are very different. Both Ryan and I go into it knowing that we have to kiss the way we do for real – all that’s different is the gender. We don’t like to rehearse too much and try and keep the feeling for the actual take.”

How do you unwind after a heavy day at work?

Lucy: “Unwind? I don’t unwind. I get home at 8pm, my daughter Lola is already in bed, so I sort out the dogs, house etc, shove some food down my neck, learn some lines and go to bed early so that I can get up at 6am the next day. But I wouldn’t swap it for anything. I love Emmerdale – I always have and always will.”

Danny: "I have an hour-long drive back home to Manchester. I put on some music and try and forget about Aaron. Being in his head for 12 hours is long enough for one day!”

Should the pair be worried about Robert?

Lucy: “Chas is not bothered by him. She is quite ballsy and sees him as a person who she can take on. Robert might play the big man, but he is a coward. However, he has something up his sleeve for Chas.”

Danny: "You might see Robert go to extreme measures to avoid the truth coming out.”

What else can you tell us…?

Lucy: “Keep watching. The storyline has been brilliantly mapped out – it’s like a map of the underground and it all comes together cleverly.”

Danny: “There is plenty more to come. You’ll see Aaron push himself even more with the running. Robert tells Aaron he loves him, but does he really or is he using him…?”