‘Kirin doesn’t leave Vanessa’s side during the birth,’ says Emmerdale’s Michelle Hardwick

Emmerdale’s Michelle Hardwick tells Soaplife about the drama surrounding the birth of Vanessa’s baby…

When Vanessa has a fall and goes into early labour, it’s Kirin who rushes with her to hospital - and he doesn’t even know it’s his baby… “Kirin doesn’t leave her side,” says Michelle. “And she really needs him because it’s a worrying time.”

How are things between Vanessa and Kirin (Adam Fielding)?

“I wouldn’t say they’re on the brink of getting back together, but they are on speaking terms and are able to enjoy a drink together, which is really nice.”

Why does Vanessa go to the launch of Kirin’s cordial?

“She really wants to help him out and support him. She plans to go to this entrepreneur dinner in Birmingham with him, too.”

And how is she getting on with Adam?

“She’s pleased that Adam [Adam Thomas] wants to be more involved. He discusses baby names with her and wants to help out with the baby when it comes.”

What happens at the cordial launch?

“There’s a bit of argy bargy between Jai [Chris Bisson], Rakesh [Pasha Bocarie] and Kirin. Jai pushes Rakesh and he knocks into Vanessa who goes flying. Rakesh knows that Vanessa is carrying his grandchild, but can’t show it. Vanessa is in shock. Everybody fusses around her, but she says she’s OK and just needs to go home.”

She’s not, though… What happens?

“She feels a twinge and, at first, she thinks it might be cramp and then wonders if it is to do with the fall. Then, when the pain gets too much, she knows something is wrong.”

Very wrong. The baby’s born prematurely…

“And it’s not 100 per cent. The doctors say they must take things hour by hour.”

What was it like filming the labour?

“I’ve never had a child, so I did a lot of research on You Tube, as I wanted to find the right balance. I was quite naive, I thought that because it’s so premature maybe it won’t hurt, but that’s not correct. It was a long day in that hospital bed and they are some of the most challenging scenes I have ever done, but I loved it.”

Are you looking forward to the day Kirin finds out the truth?

“I am. Moira [Natalie J Robb] thinks she is a grandma, James [Bill Ward] a granddad and then you have Adam and Victoria [Isabel Hodgins] being new parents when, in fact, none of them are related at all. Then there’s Rakesh and Priya [Fiona Wade] – who’d have thought Priya would have kept this a secret? I’m really excited about what is to come.”

Emmerdale, ITV