Loose Women bust-up attracts more than 3,000 Ofcom complaints

Yesterday's spat between TV stars Kim Woodburn and Coleen Nolan on Loose Women has attracted more than 3,000 complaints to regulator Ofcom.

Yesterday's spat between TV stars Kim Woodburn and Coleen Nolan on Loose Women has attracted more than 3,000 complaints to regulator Ofcom, according to The Sun Online.

The bust-up saw 3,297 furious viewers calling the regulator to complain after Kim sensationally stormed off the set.

Upset fans tweeted the hit ITV daytime show and Coleen to complain about what they had seen after the episode aired yesterday.

A spokesperson from Ofcom told The Sun Online: “We will assess any complaints under our broadcasting rules, before deciding whether or not to investigate.”

Following the incident on air, Kim spoke to The Sun Online and said she felt as though she had been ambushed.

She said: “I was shown cruelty again by that woman. I’m embarrassed once again. And I’ve cried on TV once again.”

The altercation happened after Kim opened about childhood abuse and how she felt that had impacted on her time in Celebrity Big Brother last year.

She famously fell out with Coleen after accusing her of “bullying” during their time on the Channel 5 show.

During yesterday’s Loose Women, when Kim spoke about the abuse Coleen could be heard saying:  “We got this every day as well,” before adding: “She's going to cry in a minute.”

Kim stormed off and shouted: “I wouldn't want to sit and talk with lying trash. She's a horrible person. You are trash, you're a piece of filth!”

In a statement, a representative for Loose Women said: “Kim agreed to come onto the panel today at the invitation of the producers on the understanding it was for reconciliation with Coleen.

“Kim becoming upset was never the intention and the panel did endeavour to comfort her.

“She was offered counselling after the show, which she declined.”

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