Amanda Mealing: ‘The old-style Connie is back… and she’s starting a campaign!’

Connie is back
Connie's on a mission to save lives, even if it upsets her colleagues (Image credit: BBC)

Casualty star Amanda Mealing reveals Connie Beauchamp is back and sharper than ever

There are basically three things the medical team at Holby ED need to know about clinical lead Connie Beauchamp’s return:

  1. She means business. And some of that business involves being mean!
  2.  She has no time for small talk. Do not ask her how she is.
  3. She’s got BIG plans for the ED.

But who wants to tell Connie’s colleagues they’re advised not to get in her way?!

What’s on TV talked to Amanda Mealing, who reveals why Connie, who’s in remission following intensive cancer treatment, hits the ground running on her return to Holby…

Connie’s back! Is it a suitably dramatic return?

"Connie always makes an entrance! She’s doesn’t come in quietly by the back door. But I think she’s a little nervous about coming back."

That’s understandable, after everything she’s been through?

"Yes, she hasn’t been involved in things for quite a few months. So she wants prove herself to everyone, but more importantly she needs to prove herself to herself. That will instantly bring her into conflict with everyone else because she comes back in with great force!"

We hear Connie has big plans for the ED…

"Connie wants to reclaim her place immediately, but that will take a little bit longer. Some of her decisions may be a little over enthusiastic and step on a few toes, but that’s just the usual Connie, isn’t it?"

Is the ED ready for Connie's return?

Is the ED ready for Connie's return? (Image credit: BBC)

It’s exactly why we’ve missed her! Is this a sign of Connie to come?

"I was saying to Lucy [Rafferty], who is the Casualty series producer and Simon [Harper], the executive producer, I’d really like to get back the old Connie. Simon worked with me on Holby so he knows the old-style Connie. Basically, the bitch will be back, which is great fun to play!"

Does it feel like the right time for this side of Connie to make a reappearance?

"We’ve seen her soft side, we’ve seen her vulnerability and now it’s time to get the heels back on and get back out there with the one-liners. She’s very good at all those quips."

Is this because of everything she’s been through, she feels she doesn’t have time to waste?

"Yes, I think that’s very true of anyone who’s been through that. You think, ‘Do you know what? I haven’t got time for that.’ Connie thinks things need to be done and she’s going to do them. She is thinking about her skills as a heart surgeon. They aren’t being used and critical patients are waiting for theatre upstairs, which is putting lives in danger. So Connie’s going to start a campaign to get a trauma theatre in the ED. And obviously it will make her a star because she can show off her skills!"

Amanda Mealing makes a welcome return to Casualty this Saturday on BBC1.

Elaine Reilly
Writer for TV Times, What’s On TV, TV & Satellite Week and What To Watch

With twenty years of experience as an entertainment journalist, Elaine writes for What’s on TV, TV Times, TV & Satellite Week and covering a variety of programs from gardening and wildlife to documentaries and drama.


As well as active involvement in the WTW family’s social media accounts, she has been known to get chatty on the red carpet and wander into the odd podcast. 

After a day of previewing TV, writing about TV and interviewing TV stars, Elaine likes nothing than to relax… by watching TV.