Will Peggy's funeral in EastEnders' expose Aunt Babe as an evil blackmailer?

Aunt Babe, EastEnders (Image credit: BBC/Jack Barnes)

Aunt Babe has no problems extorting Pam and Les Coker over his cross-dressing secret. But when her increasing demands force Pam and Les Coker to sink to new lows, will Aunt Babe be exposed as a ruthless blackmailer in EastEnders?

At first glance she may look like a sweet lady but EastEnders’ Aunt Babe is anything but... And she's about to up her vile villainy in the coming weeks, whatever the consequences!

Currently on her list of suckers to exploit are Les and Pam Coker. Aunt Babe (played by Annette Badland) is hell-bent on blackmailing the pair for all they're worth now she knows about Les's secret cross-dressing habits.

But Les (Roger Sloman) and Pam (Lin Blakley) have reached breaking point with Aunt Babe in the BBC One soap. Worried that Les’s secret will be revealed, Pam goes to desperate lengths to try and stop Aunt Babe...

Pam Coker (Lin Blakley) and Aunt Babe (Annette Badland) in EastEnders (BBC)

Pam Coker (Lin Blakley) and Aunt Babe (Annette Badland) in EastEnders (BBC)

Les has thought about revealing the truth to stop Aunt Babe’s vicious financial hold over them, but Pam wants to keep what she regards as a private matter behind closed doors.

Buckling under the stress of mounting money problems, Les sees Peggy Mitchell’s funeral as one possible way of easing their woes. However, Peggy’s family are stopped in their tracks when they hear the price Les proposes to charge!

A confrontation in the Queen Vic over the cost of Peggy’s funeral results in Pam laying the blame firmly at Aunt Babe’s door. Will the wily old woman be exposed as a blackmailer?

EastEnders' Shirley Carter (Linda Henry) with Aunt Babe (BBC)

EastEnders’ Shirley Carter (Linda Henry) with Aunt Babe (BBC) 

One way or another, Albert Square’s residents are in for a surprise when this explosive episode of EastEnders airs at the end of June.

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Elaine Reilly
Writer for TV Times, What’s On TV, TV & Satellite Week and What To Watch

With twenty years of experience as an entertainment journalist, Elaine writes for What’s on TV, TV Times, TV & Satellite Week and www.whattowatch.com covering a variety of programs from gardening and wildlife to documentaries and drama.


As well as active involvement in the WTW family’s social media accounts, she has been known to get chatty on the red carpet and wander into the odd podcast. 

After a day of previewing TV, writing about TV and interviewing TV stars, Elaine likes nothing than to relax… by watching TV.