Ainsley Harriott’s ‘flat-footed’ Jive gets him the boot from Strictly Come Dancing

(Image credit: BBC/Guy Levy)

Well, Ainsley Harriott didn’t get the lowest score on Saturday night but that didn’t save him on Sunday night.

Ainsley found himself in the dance-off against Jamelia in Week Five - and he lost.

The celebrity chef had scored 21/40 for a Jive that Craig Revel Horwood had described as “flat-footed”.

“There’s too much of your own thing going on,” Craig added. “I didn’t enjoy it.”

“There was so much shaking that you made the dance almost curdled,” Bruno Tonioli added.

Ainsley faced Jamelia in the dance-off


Jamelia had done better on Saturday, scoring 26 points for her Foxtrot.

“You’re more comfortable with Latin dances,” Len Goodman said to her. “You think you can’t do the ballroom, so you don’t.”

“And it went horribly wrong at the end after an assisted illegal lift,” Craig said, clearly annoyed.

“And when it went wrong you couldn’t quite get back on it,” added Bruno.

(Image credit: BBC/Guy Levy)

Jamelia's Foxtrot was going well - but she made a mistake


“I think I deserve to be in the dance-off,” said Jamelia, when the results were announced.

“You don’t,” Len told her. “There were a lot worse dancers as far as we judges are concerned. Remember that.”

(Image credit: BBC/Guy Levy)

High fives all round as Ainsley gets a Strictly send-off


Ainsley looked like he expected it when he was told he was in the dance-off - for a second time.

“We need to see more technique,” Craig told him. “Get up on your toes.”

And he tried but the judges were unanimous in Jamelia’s favour.

Click here for our photo special on all the dances and scores from Week 5.

Strictly Come Dancing continues on BBC1, Saturday, November 1, 6.35pm, with Halloween theme.