Casualty star Charles Venn: 'Jacob thought his father had died!'

Jacob Masters in Casualty is stunned to discover his father may still be alive...
(Image credit: BBC)

Charles Venn reveals emotional scenes between mother and son, Jacob and Omo Masters, in Casualty, leave Jacob reeling…

Casualty nurse Jacob Masters recently re-entered his troubled mother’s life when he discovered drug dealers, headed by ringleader Jet, had moved into her home.

Jet (Seroca Davis) was selling Omo’s vital medications and using her home as a base for criminal activity.

Jacob has had an uphill struggle convincing Omo he has her best interests at heart, as she believed Jet was taking care of her. Last week, however, all that changed when Jacob discovered Omo (Ellen Thomas) has stage four pancreatic cancer, and finally convinced her she was being manipulated.

Omo and Jacob have a challenging relationship at the best of times, so fans are hoping this tragic turn of events will mark the beginning of their reconciliation. Yet the emotional rollercoaster isn’t over! This week Omo reveals a shocking secret about Jacob’s father…

Here Casualty star Charles Venn, who plays Jacob, kindly took a break from rehearsals for SOMNIUM: A Dancer’s Dream – which opens this week in London - to tell us more…

Jacob’s often a man of action. Do you relish playing such a big emotional story?

Charles Venn: "Yes, absolutely. Actors crave versatility and range. I’ve done a lot of reactive and action work as Jacob. He’s now in a vulnerable spot where he can’t solve his problem by pinning someone against the wall. He’s in a situation that requires finesse, sympathy, a lot of understanding - and a whole lot of patience! To try and get some sort of balance here with his mother, Jacob really has to refrain and restrain aggression and anger. It’s great to see Jacob like this!"

Jacob is now caring for Omo. How was it filming the scenes at her home?

Jacob takes a walk down memory lane when he begins looking through old photos at his mum's house

Jacob takes a walk down memory lane when he begins looking through old photos at his mum's house (Image credit: BBC)

CV: "We were mostly secluded from the regular cast, so it was very much an insular storyline. We were on a house set and it was a very intense period, but I think there was a lot of great work. It’s amazing working with Ellen. She’s a wise and giving actress and brings it every time playing this strong, stubborn yet fragile woman."

Omo suffers from schizophrenia. Will we learn more about Jacob’s childhood with his mum?

CV: "Yes, we get a strong albeit sad insight into Omo and her life. Over time she speaks about her condition and how much it affected her and her son. She opens up in a way that’s so beautiful."

Ellen Thomas as Omo Masters. This week Jacob begs Omo to consider further treatment to prolong her life

Ellen Thomas as Omo Masters. This week Jacob begs Omo to consider further treatment to prolong her life (Image credit: BBC)

This week Jacob makes a shocking discovery in Casualty about his father. What can you reveal?

CV: "Jacob had thought, by way of his mother, that his father had died. It was painful but he accepted it. He’s ambled through life, but I think not having a father subconsciously affected him… What she reveals is a lot for him to deal with!"

Before we let you go… We see some photos of Jacob over the next couple of episodes. Are those real baby pictures of you?

CV: [Laughter]. "Yes they are! The artistic team like to make it as authentic as possible. So yes, a couple of them are me as a baby!"

Follow the twists and turns of Jacob’s emotional journey in Casualty on Saturday at 8.25pm on BBC1

Elaine Reilly
Writer for TV Times, What’s On TV, TV & Satellite Week and What To Watch

With twenty years of experience as an entertainment journalist, Elaine writes for What’s on TV, TV Times, TV & Satellite Week and covering a variety of programs from gardening and wildlife to documentaries and drama.


As well as active involvement in the WTW family’s social media accounts, she has been known to get chatty on the red carpet and wander into the odd podcast. 

After a day of previewing TV, writing about TV and interviewing TV stars, Elaine likes nothing than to relax… by watching TV.