VIDEO: Jai has got drugs! Will he die next in Emmerdale?

Emmerdale, Jai Sharma

Recovering cocaine addict Jai Sharma has kept his nose clean for over a year but now we know he’s carrying drugs around with him! Is he using them again?

Last night’s episode of Emmerdale revealed that recovering addict Jai Sharma (Chris Bisson) is carrying cocaine around in his pocket. So, is he about to go to the dark world of drug use again?

Quite frankly, with everything that Jai has been through lately – Priya (Fiona Wade) and Rakesh (Pasha Bocarie) getting back together and Nicola King (Nicola Wheeler) constantly humiliating him at work – it’s a bit surprising that there hasn’t even been a sniff of him turning to drugs again.

His daughter Eliza, the child he had with Megan Macey (Gaynor Faye), is the one ray of sunshine in his life. He desperately doesn’t want to let his little girl down.

But last night, the sight of Priya and Rakesh enjoying themselves was too much for Jai… He blames Rakesh’s attempted insurance fraud, with a fire that nearly killed Nicola, for the family losing control of their factory.

Drunk and rude, Jai ended up on the floor… Rakesh wanted to make sure he didn’t drive and went into Jai’s jacket pocket – and found cocaine.

Emmerdale, Jai Sharma

Rakesh was shocked to find cocaine in Jai's jacket pocket

Is Jai using again?

He admitted to Moira Dingle (Natalie J Robb) that he feels low.

Moira’s daughter, Holly, is always on Jai’s mind. He and Holly had grown close and he thought they had a future together… He thought they were happy – and drug-free. Then, in one of Emmerdale’s most shocking and tragic episodes, Moira found Holly dead in bed from a drugs overdose.

Jai’s Narcotics Anonymous (NA) group in Hotten is gone, the building burned down. He plans to start a support group in Emmerdale but, right now, it’s Jai who needs support.

As Jai admitted to Moira, it is a struggle to stay clean… And, after last night’s shocking discovery of that cocaine, it looks like it’s a struggle he could lose.

Emmerdale, ITV