Farewell Phil...

Farewell Phil...
Farewell Phil...

With Gina struggling to cope with husband Phil's death, Carol offers to prescribe her some sleeping pills, but the young widow refuses, determined to deal with things on her own. As the day of Phil's funeral arrives, all the people of Aidensfield turn out to pay their last respects to the much-loved bobby. Over at the station, Don is racked with guilt over the shooting of his colleague, convinced he should have taken the bullet. Despite Miller's reassurances, he believes that the villagers will blame him for the death of a close friend and decides to pack his bags - until the sergeant makes him an offer he can't refuse... Elsewhere, Carol fails to report an elderly motorist involved in a hit-and-run with a cyclist, which proves very embarrassing when the cyclist turns out to be none other than the hospital's new doctor. And Joe looks into a suicide that might be murder.

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