Mick is forced to tell Linda the truth about the money for the Vic

Mick is forced to tell Linda the truth about the money for the Vic
(Image credit: BBC / Kieron McCarron)

Mick has been trying to reassure the family that he’ll have the money to save their home but things aren’t looking good for them

Mick hasn’t been completely honest with Linda about his ability to pay Fi… Because he doesn’t have the money. He continues to string her line, however, making out that everything is good. Getting desperate, Mick turns to Vincent for help and is confident that the money is coming. But it’s soon clear that he won’t get the help he needs and he and Linda have to face facts – they don’t have the money to save The Vic.

Kush is determined to intervene between Stacey and Martin and get them to keep their family together. After trying to talk to them both, he then arranges for the warring couple to meet up in the market. When Sonia puts in her own two-penneth, however, it derails the talks and a huge row breaks out. A furious Kush tells Martin and Stacey to think long and hard about what they would both lose if there is a custody battle.

Tiffany pops into the launderette with some washing and finds Bernadette. The girls soon start to bond. Bernadette takes some of Karen’s ironing jobs back to Tiff’s to help her. But she’s distracted by Tiff and ends up burning one of Ted’s shirts!

Also, Halfway arranges a romantic date for him and Whitney. Will it work out?

Rachel Lucas
Forward Planning Deputy Manager

Rachel is a soaps and TV writer for WhatToWatch.com, soaps podcaster and resident soap expert for UK TV listings magazines What's On TV and TV Times. After graduating with an art and design degree from Birmingham City University, she found her true calling in all things soap and has been writing about them for magazines and websites for over 20 years. A self-confessed soap addict, she's always had a great love of all the UK and Aussie soaps and owns everything from a Neighbours 1990 Annual to a DVD box set of classic Corrie episodes to prove it.