Pete's arrested for manslaughter!

Andy’s fighting Debbie for custody of their kids because he doesn’t want them living under the same roof as her boyfriend, Pete, whose brief stint as a drug dealer has come back to haunt him. What Andy hasn’t reckoned on, however, is that his actions have cost him his job at the farm. Moira doesn’t think it’s a good idea given the situation between him and Debbie and Pete, who are family after all. Meanwhile, Pete’s worried that his druggy past could ruin Debbie’s custody case, but those concerns fall by the wayside when DI Bails turns up to arrest him for manslaughter!

With Robert having emerged from the Home Farm raid a hero, Lawrence admits that was wrong about him – if only he knew that his future son-in-law had orchestrated the whole thing to get him onside! How will he react when Robert reveals that Andy has asked to live rent-free at Wylie’s Farm?

Someone’s got it in for Belle, and the number one suspect is Lachlan, so Cain warns the lad’s mum, Chrissie, about letting her son near Belle. It’s not long, however, before the teenagers meet at the playground, but as the pair sit quietly, Lachlan’s stunned when Belle suddenly lashes out at him! As she rushes off, he sits glowering at her.