The police interview Rhiannon...

(Image credit: BBC)

Rob interviews Rhiannon and gets her account of events, which seems to tally with her original story. Paul's account seems to tally with Rhiannon's but when Rob asks him about Rhiannon he snaps. He pushes his way out of the room and tells Rhiannon that they're going home but she refuses - she wants to change her statement. Rhiannon tells Rob she didn't drop Nicholas, she found him dead. Paul put his hands round her neck and warned her to keep quiet, or else. Paul and Rhiannon are arrested and put in separate cells.

Later, Emma gets drunk and has a go at Sid, before apologising and heading to bed. Ayesha is secretly alarmed, fearing Emma has never really got over Howard and her miscarriage.

Ruhma and Heston go to Daniel and Zara's house for dinner but, when Zara makes ill-informed comments about Ruhma's faith, Heston lays into her – why can't she ever apologise? Daniel realises that Heston is obliquely referring to the Anthony situation and apologises but Zara is unrepentant. Ruhma tells Heston she wants to go home and Daniel realises the night's been a disaster!

Ellen Markwardt
Listings Editor at TV Times

I've always had a passion for TV and movies, and got my dream job as TV Times Listings Editor over a decade ago. previously I was interviewing celebrities on a freelance basis for What's On TV, TV Easy and TV & Satellite Week magazines. There's nothing better than going behind-the-scenes of TV shows to bring our readers on set secrets and gossip! As well as my main role at TV Times, I also write Coronation Street spoilers for and write daily On Demand reviews.