Coronation Street star reveals whether Carla will become Stephen's third victim

Coronation Street killer Stephen Reid looking menacing in front of a brick wall background
Killer instinct: Stephen (Todd Boyce) wants to destroy Carla. (Image credit: ITV)

Coronation Street star Todd Boyce has spoken about Stephen Reid’s sinister plan for Carla Barlow, which will see his twisted alter-ego drug the Underworld boss with LSD.

Fortunately for fans of Mrs B, it looks like Carla will not become killer Stephen’s third scalp, as the actor insists that Stephen doesn’t have murder in mind.

Instead, he plans to oust Carla from the factory by making her appear mentally ill and incompetent, leaving him to step in and become king of the knicker-stitching empire.

Carla Connor is unaware Stephen has laced her tea with LSD!

Bad brew: Carla (Alison King) is unaware that Stephen is drugging her with LSD. (Image credit: ITV)

Says Todd, "This is not a premeditated plan to kill someone, this is to get her out of the way of the business. 

"He knows there are some machinists with shares in the company, and he just needs to mobilise them and make them think she is not capable of doing the job. 

“"t’s pretty ingenious, and Carla has annoyed him so much that he doesn’t care what it is going to do to her. 

"It is a relatively short term plan to start with, just to sow the seed of doubt with everyone. He plans to do it over a period of time so it looks like she is having real problems."

Coronation Street Rufus Stephen

Meeting: Stephen gets the LSD during a colourful meeting with Rufus (Stephen Meo). (Image credit: ITV)

Stephen comes up with the idea when Carla tasks him with resurrecting the now defunct deal that he, Sarah and Michael bagged with businessman Rufus for their ‘Nippersnapper’ line. She promises that if he can secure it for Underworld, she’ll give him a permanent job and 15% commission in return.

Stephen pulls off the deal, but he feels humiliated when Carla ‘awards’ him the somewhat junior position of Office Manager.

Adds Todd, "She has done the worst thing that anyone could really do to Stephen - she has made him look and feel small in front of other people."

Viewers will see Stephen slip LSD — taken from drug user Rufus — into Carla’s coffee at work, and then into her glass of wine at The Rover’s. He will then mess with her mind by muddling up her paperwork and deleting a meeting she has booked in her diary with bigwig Dick Havisham.

In her disoriented state, Carla accidentally crashes the Underworld van into Paul Foreman, who is taking her husband Peter’s new motorbike for a spin. 

Coronation Street Paul Foreman

Injured: Paul (Peter Ash) comes off Peter's bike when woozy Carla crashes into him. (Image credit: ITV)

Corrie boss Iain MacLeod has previously revealed that Stephen’s behaviour will cause friction in Carla and Peter’s marriage, with Peter believing that his wife’s woozy state is a sign that the psychosis she suffered from in 2019 has returned.

Says MacLeod: "Peter is deeply concerned about his wife’s history of mental health problems. 

"He’ll put her offside by trying to be overprotective and fight her battles. He’ll intervene in an unhelpful way by suggesting her priorities are all wrong." 

Alison Slade
Soaps Editor
Alison Slade has over 20 years of experience as a TV journalist and has spent the vast majority of that time as Soap Editor of TV Times magazine.  She is passionate about the ability of soaps to change the world by presenting important, issue-based stories about real people in a relatable way. There are few soap actors that she hasn’t interviewed over the years, and her expertise in the genre means she has been called upon as a judge numerous times for The British Soap Awards and the BAFTA TV Awards.

When she is not writing about soaps, watching soaps, or interviewing people who are in soaps, she loves going to the theatre, taking a long walk or pottering about at home, obsessing over Farrow and Ball paint.