'Summer will suffer': Daniel Brocklebank, aka Billy, reveals there’s more heartache ahead for his young charge

Corrie’s Daniel Brocklebank: Billy's drug storyline had to be told
(Image credit: Joseph Scanlon)

Summer is set to return this week... here Daniel Brocklebank, who plays Billy, reveals that Adam's revenge plan could have a big impact on Summer

Coronation Street’s Billy, Dan Brocklebank, has revealed to Soaplife that Adam’s terrible revenge on Billy is set to seriously hurt adoptive daughter Summer, too....

What’s the story?

After nearly dying over Christmas, Billy Mayhew is finally out of hospital, but it’s hardly a happy homecoming.

“He’s not in a very good place - Todd and Summer are still not back, he’s had to move in with Eileen, has lost everything, is in considerable pain and also still feeling incredibly guilty about the whole Susan situation,” actor Daniel Brocklebank has told Soaplife.

Summer is set to return this week but with Adam determined to make Billy suffer for his mum Susan’s death, will it have consequences for Summer? Here's Daniel Brocklebank's interview with Soaplife...

What’s happening in Coronation Street? See the latest soap storylines.

Soaplife: What does Adam do?

Dan Brocklebank: “Adam switches Billy’s prescription painkillers for normal paracetamol. When Billy takes what he thinks is his normal amount, they don’t work and he starts to up the dosage. In the end, he asks Adam to help get him something stronger, unaware that Adam is creating the problem in the first place.”

S: Is Adam out for revenge?

DB: “Very much so, Billy has no idea that Adam knows anything about his involvement in Susan’s death and Adam knows that Billy doesn’t know. Using this to his advantage, Adam looks like he’s being a good friend to Billy when he actually trying to get him hooked on painkillers.”

S: Will he become hooked on painkillers?

DB: “We’ll see him getting increasingly addicted which is, of course, Adam’s plan. Adam is a former painkiller addict so he knows how easy it is to get someone hooked. For Billy, though, it’s not so much about the pain for him, it’s about giving him the chance to be a proper parent to Summer which he can’t be if he is in pain. Summer is his priority now but he doesn’t realise he’s going to cause her more problems if he’s addicted to drugs. That is what is so cruel about what Adam is doing to him - ultimately it is Summer who will suffer."

S: So Summer is back in Weatherfield?

DB: “Yes, but without Todd. He’s been arrested but Summer manages to escape. Billy is delighted to have Summer back but very sad about losing Todd. His whole world is collapsing around him."

S: Have you researched painkiller addiction?

DB: “I’ve spoken to people who have been addicted and some who still are. I was shocked by the figures for people going through this. The percentage of people who end up this way is quite terrifying so it is important to make sure we do this storyline well and warn people of the dangers of getting hooked on these drugs.”

S: Will Eileen help Billy through this?

DB: “Eileen and Summer are now Billy’s family and he is theirs. Eileen is the person who offers Todd a roof over his head and, ultimately, she will be the person who starts to realise what he is going through.”

Coronation Street continues tonight at 7.30pm.

David Hollingsworth

David is the What To Watch Editor and has over 20 years of experience in television journalism. He is currently writing about the latest television and film news for What To Watch.

Before working for What To Watch, David spent many years working for TV Times magazine, interviewing some of television's most famous stars including Hollywood actor Kiefer Sutherland, singer Lionel Richie and wildlife legend Sir David Attenborough. 

David started out as a writer for TV Times before becoming the title's deputy features editor and then features editor. During his time on TV Times, David also helped run the annual TV Times Awards. David is a huge Death in Paradise fan, although he's still failed to solve a case before the show's detective! He also loves James Bond and controversially thinks that Timothy Dalton was an excellent 007.

Other than watching and writing about telly, David loves playing cricket, going to the cinema, trying to improve his tennis and chasing about after his kids!