‘Something bad happens to Moira at the dealer's,’ says Emmerdale’s Natalie J Robb

Moira Dingle lands herself in drugs danger when she accosts Holly's dealer in Emmerdale, says Natalie J Robb

Moira Dingle tries her best to save her daughter Holly… and ends up in a deep hole herself. Emmerdale’s Natalie J Robb reveals all to Soaplife

How does Moira come face to face with Holly’s dealer, Simon? “Someone finds Holly’s phone and hands it Moira. She finds some missed calls from her dealer, Simon, saying he’ll do her a deal and she doesn’t have to pay up front. This rings alarm bells for Moira and she goes in search of Holly. She is furious. She more or less kicks his door down. There are other addicts there and she kicks off when he insults Holly [Sophie Powles], who isn’t actually there. There’s a bit of a tussle and something bad happens.”

Does Moira believe Holly can stay clean? “She knows she can do it, but only with support. Holly, however, thinks she can do it on her own, but she can’t.”

What’s the plan of action? “Holly’s going to take methadone to get her off the heroin. She doesn’t react well to it and she starts to feel on edge, but that’s because the dosage isn’t right for her.”

Does Moira think the methadone is the answer? “She is taking it one day at a time. She’ll always worry that Holly’s going to relapse. As part of my research the first time round, I spoke to a mother who said you never stop worrying.”

Why doesn’t she tell Holly what happened at Simon’s? “Blame can play a big part in someone relapsing and Moira worries that telling Holly will make her use again. Obviously, that’s the one thing that Moira is trying to avoid. She thinks it’s better if Cain [Jeff Hordley] doesn’t know, too.”

Will this affect her marriage to Cain? “Yes. He won’t give Holly the same chance that Moira does because she’s not his daughter. He also has a low tolerance of addicts.”

Emmerdale, ITV