The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

Jennifer Lawrence's fiery renegade warrior Katniss Everdeen provides hope for the downtrodden masses in this second movie

Jennifer Lawrence's fiery renegade warrior Katniss Everdeen provides hope for the downtrodden masses in this second movie.

She and her friend Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) are pitched into another gladiatorial fight to the death as the flames of rebellion ignite.

There are a host of new faces, including hunky Sam Claflin, ferocious Jena Malone, wily Jeffery Wright and a sly Philip Seymour Hoffman, and vivid turns from familiar figures such as Stanley Tucci's flamboyant host, Elizabeth Banks' brittle fashionista and Woody Harrelson's boozy mentor.

With two more films to go, this movie inevitably leaves the plot dangling, but with a keen eye for spectacle and thrilling, tension-packed adventures, it certainly leaves viewers hungry for more.