10 Years Ago in the Soaps including EastEnders: Week Beginning April 7th

10 Years Ago in the Soaps EastEnders
(Image credit: BBC)

10 Years Ago in the Soaps - Remind yourself of all the soap drama that was happening in EastEnders, Coronation Street, Emmerdale and Hollyoaks 10 years ago this week!

Sean Slater and Roxy Mitchell slept together in EastEnders, David Platt confessed all in Coronation Street, Viv Hope was arrested in Emmerdale, and Katy Fox cheated on Justin Burton in Hollyoaks - 10 Years Ago in the Soaps…

10 Years Ago in the Soaps - EastEnders

Bad boy Sean Slater (Rob Kazinsky) may have had his heart broken by Tanya Branning but he soon got over it. He flirted with Roxy Mitchell (Rita Simons) while she worked at the club, and though she assured her sister Ronnie he wasn’t even ‘a blip on her radar’ his charm was working its magic. So Roxy ‘accidentally’ spilt a bottle of vodka behind the bar, said she’d get a new one – then headed over to join Sean for a night of passion… And who could blame her?

Bianca Jackson (Patsy Palmer) was back in Walford and didn't her hapless ex-husband Ricky Butcher (Sid Owen) know it! That familiar screech 'Rickaaaay!' reverberated across Albert square as Bianca blamed poor Ricky for the mess she was now in, flat broke and with her kids taken into care because she couldn't put a roof over their heads. Could Ricky, would Ricky, help her get them back?

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10 Years Ago in the Soaps - Coronation Street

David Platt, Coronation Street

David Platt (Jack P Shepherd) finally cracked and confessed to mum Gail (Helen Worth) that he had pushed her down the stairs and left for for dead. Then he stormed out of the house, full of anger and self-loathing, and unleashed his fury on the Street, smashing up everything in sight. He ended up in a prison cell, charged with numerous counts of criminal damage and assault. But Gail refused to testify against him when the case went to court…

Becky Granger, Coronation Street

Roy Cropper (David Nielson) was doing Becky Granger (Katherine Kelly) a good turn by letting her stay at his flat. So he was less than impressed when he came home early from a railway convention and caught Becky and builder Rick coming out of the bedroom. And Becky taking the Mickey out of Roy’s station master’s cap added insult to injury! Later Roy told Becky he didn’t approve of casual sex, but she could have boyfriends over – as long as she asked him first.

10 Years Ago in the Soaps - Emmerdale

Viv Hope, Emmerdale

It was Viv Hope’s big moment and she was all glammed up to hand over the results of her fund-raising, a huge cheque to Happy Smiles, a charity to help poorly children. But Viv (Deena Payne) was halfway through her speech when the police turned up and arrested her for obtaining money by deception. Viv was horrified and the crowd shocked. It seemed poor Viv had fallen victim to a cruel con… but could she prove it?

Daz Eden, Emmerdale

Daz Eden (Luke Tittensor) was stunned when Scarlett Nicholls (Kelsey-Beth Crossley) presented him with a car but the couple were soon taking advantage of the privacy. They were busily getting it on when they suddenly spotted copper Ross Kirk, peering through the steamed-up window. The teenagers were relieved when Ross headed back to his police car, believing that it was the car’s previous owners – Viv and Bob Hope – he’d caught in the act!

10 Years Ago in the Soaps - Hollyoaks

Katie Fox, Hollyoaks

Justin Burton (Chris Fountain) was heartbroken when he caught girlfriend Katy Fox (Hannah Tointon)  snogging Zak Ramsey (Kent Riley) in the student halls. But both men ended up losers when Katy found out her brother Warren Fox had been arrested for murder and she decided she needed to escape from Hollyoaks…

Warren Fox, Hollyoaks

Warren Fox (Jamie Lomas) was planning a romantic honeymoon with fiancée Louise Summers (Roxanne McKee) when the body of her ex-husband Sean Kennedy was discovered and Warren was arrested for his murder. As the police asked tricky questions about Louise and Sean, Warren protested his innocence, but no one seemed convinced. Finally Warren confessed to Louise that he had, indeed, killed Sean but she promised that  his secret was safe with her…