Movie Talk's Advent Calendar - Day 18

(Image credit: Simon Whitmore/Ideal Home/IPC+)

18. 'Tis the season to be scary…

Did you guess who was behind yesterday's personal ad teaser? Pretty obvious, I reckon. Today's clue is a tad more cryptic.

To recap, we’ve chosen a set of 24 Christmas-themed film stills – and each day in the run up to Christmas we’re giving you a teaser clue to the identity of the film it comes from. Click on the teaser to see the full image and find out which film we’ve chosen for the day.

You can see a sneak peek of all the films in and around the Christmas tree above. How many can you identify?

Jason Best

A film critic for over 25 years, Jason admits the job can occasionally be glamorous – sitting on a film festival jury in Portugal; hanging out with Baz Luhrmann at the Chateau Marmont; chatting with Sigourney Weaver about The Archers – but he mostly spends his time in darkened rooms watching films. He’s also written theatre and opera reviews, two guide books on Rome, and competed in a race for Yachting World, whose great wheeze it was to send a seasick film critic to write about his time on the ocean waves. But Jason is happiest on dry land with a classic screwball comedy or Hitchcock thriller.