Will Gary Windass risk his life again in the Ukraine?

Gary Windass, Sarah Platt, Anna Windass, Izzy Armstrong
Secretly nursing an injury he suffered while working in the Ukraine, Gary reunites with Sarah… But will he be able to resist returning to the danger zone?

Coming up in Corrie, Gary Windass returns from the Ukraine and is reunited with Sarah… He's hiding secret injuries, but will he be tempted to return?

Sarah Platt couldn't handle it when boyfriend Gary Windass took a job in the Ukraine in Coronation Street. She feared for his safety when he left, so she's relieved when he returns to the Street apparently safe and well.

But Gary has a secret – he was injured in Ukraine, and he gets an offer to go back!

Over at the Metcalfe house, Sally gets tough and says something that angers her sister, Gina Seddon, who decides to get back at her… What's Gina got in mind? And will she go too far? Find out what else is happening...

Secretly nursing an injury he suffered while working in the Ukraine, Gary reunites with Sarah… But will he be able to resist returning to the danger zone?

Gary Windass, Sarah Platt, Anna Windass, Izzy Armstrong

Secretly nursing an injury he suffered while working in the Ukraine, Gary reunites with Sarah… But will he be able to resist returning to the danger zone?

Secretly nursing an injury he suffered while working in the Ukraine, Gary reunites with Sarah… But will he be able to resist returning to the danger zone?

Sarah Platt, Gary Windass

Earlier, Sarah's taken aback to see Gary when she attends the parents’ support group following daughter Bethany's traumatic sex ring ordeal.

Earlier, Sarah's taken aback to see Gary when she attends the parents’ support group following daughter Bethany's traumatic sex ring ordeal.

Gary Windass, Sarah Platt

Sarah talks candidly about how she feels she let Bethany down and Gary offers some heartfelt words…

Sarah talks candidly about how she feels she let Bethany down and Gary offers some heartfelt words…

Sarah Platt, Gary Windass

Gary promises Sarah that from now on he’ll be there for her and she thaws towards him.

Gary promises Sarah that from now on he’ll be there for her and she thaws towards him.

Gary Windass, Sarah Platt, Anna Windass, Izzy Armstrong

Later, after breaking the news that he's accepted another job in the Ukraine, Gary assures Sarah, mum Anna and Izzy that his job isn't dangerous. He's lying, of course, as his bruised back and ribs testify… Will they be placated?

Later, after breaking the news that he's accepted another job in the Ukraine, Gary assures Sarah, mum Anna and Izzy that his job isn't dangerous. He's lying, of course, as his bruised back and ribs testify… Will they be placated?

Sally Metcalfe, Gina Seddon

Elsewhere, Sally's cross with sister Gina for lying to her and accuses her of hiding behind her bipolar condition when it suits her.

Elsewhere, Sally's cross with sister Gina for lying to her and accuses her of hiding behind her bipolar condition when it suits her.

Gina Seddon, Sally Metcalfe

Seething, Gina borrows Sally’s laptop, making out she’s going to sell her bric-a-brac online… But what is her real intention?

Seething, Gina borrows Sally’s laptop, making out she’s going to sell her bric-a-brac online… But what is her real intention?

Rosie Webster, Gemma Winter

Meanwhile, Rosie comes to the aid of Gemma, who's being victimised online by Zoe and Roxy… Will Rosie scare them off?

Meanwhile, Rosie comes to the aid of Gemma, who's being victimised online by Zoe and Roxy… Will Rosie scare them off?

Robert Preston, Will Chatterton

At the Bistro, Will offers to give the restaurant a revamp when Robert reads a review in which they refer to him as Nick…

At the Bistro, Will offers to give the restaurant a revamp when Robert reads a review in which they refer to him as Nick…

Will Chatterton, Robert Preston

Robert gratefully accepts his offer of help, but does Michelle's secret stalker have a sinister motive?

Robert gratefully accepts his offer of help, but does Michelle's secret stalker have a sinister motive?

Gail McIntyre, David Platt, Shona Ramsey

Having got back on good terms with David, Shona joins the Platts for a barbecue… Will Gail ruin any chance of their relationship going further?

Having got back on good terms with David, Shona joins the Platts for a barbecue… Will Gail ruin any chance of their relationship going further?

Gemma Winter, Rita Tanner

Elsewhere, Gemma is worried by Rita's increasingly odd behaviour. Is she showing signs of dementia? Watch Coronation Street on ITV from Monday, August 28

Elsewhere, Gemma is worried by Rita's increasingly odd behaviour. Is she showing signs of dementia? Watch Coronation Street on ITV from Monday, August 28