Belle meets Dr Bailey’s wife!

(Image credit: Andrew Boyce)

*Second episode*

At the fundraiser, Dr Bailey’s in the middle of his worst nightmare as he finds himself in the same room as his wife and secret teen lover Belle. Relishing the situation, Belle makes a point of talking to Angie. But Belle’s chance of outing the married man’s affair is ruined when Lisa interrupts their conversation.

Later, Belle tells Charity she’s been seeing a married man and wants her help to get revenge on him. Belle then plants her lipstick in the doctor’s car and waits for her bombshell to explode…

Determined to start a business which Pete can get involved in on his release from prison, Finn wants to set up a cab firm. But when Adam points out Finn’s recent criminal dealings could put paid to all that, Finn fumes at Ross for his part in the problem.

Cancer patient David’s due in surgery to have a testicle removed tomorrow. Feeling low and scared, David turns his mobile off and hits the bottle. Worried, Pollard lets himself into David’s and finds him in a right state.

Rhona’s jealous to see Pierce chatting animatedly with Megan is shocked when Jai suggests that it would be good for Eliza to have a proper family. 

Sarah Waterfall
Soaps Editor at What's On TV

Sarah has been writing about soaps for over 20 years! She’s worked for Hello!, WOMAN, PA News, Closer, TVeasy – and is currently What’s On TV's Soap editor as well as writing for 

She’s interviewed tons of famous people from movie stars to pop stars, TV stars and of course, soap stars. The soaps have always been at the heart of Sarah's work; visiting the sets, getting the goss, and writing about all the soapy shenanigans week in week out, earning her a place on the judging panel for The British Soap Awards in 2017 and 2018 and on the BAFTA TV Awards in 2022 … and the nickname Soapbird!