Doctors spoilers: Will Al Haskey leave Letherbridge with Frances Harrison?

Doctors, Al Haskey, Frances Harrison
(Image credit: BBC)

Dr Al Haskey faces a big dilemma after lady love Frances announces she's leaving in a few days to start her new job in New Zealand...

Al Haskey was thrilled to be reunited with vicar Frances Harrison, who he first met when he attended his father's memorial service in 2017 and she helped him deal with an awkward family rift.

After a pep talk from his surgery colleagues Jimmi Clay and Ayesha Lee about dating etiquette, Al spent an out-of-this-world day with Frances which included building a 'space craft' ready to launch into the sky!

Doctors, Al Haskey, Eve Haskey

Al was reunited with his mum Eve following the death of his dad in 2017 (Picture: BBC)

Their date appeared to be coming towards the perfect finish when Al, remembering Ayesha and Jimmi's advice, moved in for a kiss. Unfortunately their car seat belts stopped them getting any closer!

The medic had hoped he'd get the chance to do it all again with Frances. Unfortunately, it's like somebody just let the air out of his tyres after Frances revealed she is soon to leave Letherbridge to start her new job in New Zealand. In a matter of days...

Now Al faces a big dilemma. He doesn't want to be parted from Frances. But is he ready to leave Letherbridge and move to New Zealand with her? What's a doc to do?

Doctors continues weekdays at 1:45pm on BBC One

Simon Timblick

Simon has long been a fan of soap operas, and especially loves OVER-THE-TOP plots involving evil twins, hair-pulling catfights and natural disasters. Anyone remember the Sunset Beach earthquake/tidal wave? Or when Krystle Carrington got locked in the attic and replaced by look-a-like Rita in Dynasty?!

Simon has written for a variety of TV and childrens’ magazines/websites including Inside Soap, Nickelodeon, What’s On TV, Radio Times, Metro, Girl Talk, Disney Girl, Toxic! and Digital Spy. He has reported LIVE from the red carpet at The British Soap Awards interviewing glammed-up stars from soapland, and hosted a Facebook LIVE session for Metro with Home and Away legend Ray Meagher (Alf "Stone the flamin' crows!" Stewart) to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Aussie soap.

Simon is also co-author of The Treasures Of Coronation Street (Carlton Books)

And the writer and director of (very!) low budget fright flick, Midsummer Night's EVIL and the sequel webisodes series, The Hatchet Woods HORROR.