Hollyoaks spoilers: James Nightingale grows suspicious of Maxine. Has he rumbled her lies?

James Nightingale

Lawyer James Nightingale attempts to get his hands on Maxine Minniver's medical records as he grows increasinlgy suspicious of her 'terminal illness'....

Lawyer James Nightingale (Gregory Finnegan) has agreed to represent Damon Kinsella (Jacob Roberts) in court but is using Maxine’s terminal illness as part of his defence.

However Maxine, who has been deceiving everyone about the state of her health for months in Hollyoaks, is in a panic and has so far managed to avoid giving him any medical records.

When James tries to contact the specialist doctor who treated her, Dr Levi Rochester (Cerith Flinn), he struggles to get hold of him and when he tries to speak to Doctor Misbah Maalik (Harvey Virdi) he also reaches a dead end.

Maxine and James Nightingale

Lawyer James Nightingale is representing Brody Hudson in court

As James starts to grow suspicious his next port of call is junior doctor Mitchell Deveraux (Imran Adams) which puts Maxine in a panic. Realising that James is about to speak to Mitchell, she races to get to the medic, before James does.

When James arrives at the hospital he spots Maxine already locked in conversation with Mitchell and quickly realises that her medical file is in Mitchell’s bag.

James Nightingale

Mitchell has information on Maxine that James needs!

Thinking on his feet, crafty James decides to gatecrash the drinks that Mitchell is going to with Scott Drinkwell (Ross Adams) at The Dog. Can he get his hands on the crucial file when Mitchell is temporarily distracted?

Mitchell Deveraux

James tags along to try and get his hands on Mitchell's files

James Nightingale

Will James be able to sneak a look at Maxine Minniver's health records

Meanwhile Maxine’s husband Damon arranges a special meal for his wife at The Hutch and Liberty Savage (Abi Phillips) tries to cheer up a preoccupied Sienna Blake (Anna Passey) by taking a pregnancy test.

Liberty savage from Hollyoaks smiling

Liberty Savage played by Abi Phillips

Liberty, who has agreed to act as a surrogate mum for Sienna and her boyfriend Brody Hudson (Adam Woodward) is hoping that it will be positive but are she and Sienna for more disappointment?

Elsewhere, Cleo McQueen (Nadine Mulkerrin) and her boyfriend Mitchell have the house to themselves but Cleo decides to ask Scott over too. Will the flirty spark between Scott and Mitchell lead to something again following their recent kiss?

Hollyoaks is shown weekdays on C4 at 6.30pm with the next episode following on E4

Tess Lamacraft
Senior Writer for What's On TV, TV Times, TV & Satellite week, Whattowatch.com

Tess is a senior writer for What’s On TV, TV Times, TV & Satellite and WhattoWatch.com She's been writing about TV for over 25 years and worked on some of the UK’s biggest and best-selling publications including the Daily Mirror where she was assistant editor on the weekend TV magazine, The Look, and Closer magazine where she was TV editor. She has freelanced for a whole range of websites and publications including We Love TV, The Sun’s TV Mag, Woman, Woman’s Own, Fabulous, Good Living, Prima and Woman and Home.