Hollyoaks spoilers: BIG MISTAKE! Mercedes McQueen regrets trying to play the perfect mum!

Mercedes McQueen

Mercedes McQueen bitterly regrets it when she offers to bake cupcakes for Bobby's school

Mum Mercedes McQueen (Jennifer Metcalfe) has never been a contender for Bake Off. She prefers booze, drugs and partying to home-baking.

However, following Breda’s harsh words, she’s been given a wake up call and now, in an attempt to prove she can be a better mum, she foolishly sets out to help out at her son, Bobby’s, PTA. The next thing you know she’s been enlisted to bake 100 cupcakes… for the following day.

Mercedes McQueen

Mercedes is bitterly regrets volunteering to bake

Up to her elbows in flour and icing sugar, Mercedes struggles with the task in hand much to the amusement of her relatives, Nana (Diane Langton) and Goldie (Chelsee Healey) who think it’s hilarious that Mercedes is trying to be a domestic goddess and is clearly loathing every second.

Goldie McQueen and Nana

Nana and Goldie McQueen look on

Elsewhere Tony Hutchinson, Leela Lomax and Peri go to The Tea House, where they confront Ste (Kieron Richardson) over the anti-muslim posters that he and his racist cronies, Stuart Sumner (Chris Simmons) and Jonny Baxter (Ray Quinn), have been plastering throughout the village.

Jonny wastes no time in booting the trio out, but Tony and Leela are determined to find proof that Jonny and Stuart are breaking the law.

Meanwhile, Romeo and Juliet Quinn become suspicious and think that Harry (Parry Glasspool) is cheating on James when they catch him with Kyle Kelly (Adam Rickitt). Have they got the wrong end of the stick?

Plus, having invited Joel to the cinema with them, Cleo McQueen (Nadine Mulkerrin) and Mitchell Deveraux  (Imran Adams) start to worry that they’ve made a mistake asking him to tag along and that things are going to be really awkward with Cleo’s ex around. Are they right?

Hollyoaks is shown weekdays on C4 at 6.30pm with the next episode following E4

Tess Lamacraft
Senior Writer for What's On TV, TV Times, TV & Satellite week, Whattowatch.com

Tess is a senior writer for What’s On TV, TV Times, TV & Satellite and WhattoWatch.com She's been writing about TV for over 25 years and worked on some of the UK’s biggest and best-selling publications including the Daily Mirror where she was assistant editor on the weekend TV magazine, The Look, and Closer magazine where she was TV editor. She has freelanced for a whole range of websites and publications including We Love TV, The Sun’s TV Mag, Woman, Woman’s Own, Fabulous, Good Living, Prima and Woman and Home.