Morag is called in to defend Zac!

Leah, VJ, Hunter and Alf wait anxiously as Dylan and Kat interrogate Zac over Charlotte's murder. Zac continues to protest his innocence, but when Dylan plays him the CCTV footage from the night of Charlotte’s murder, Zac clams up and demands a lawyer. Leah is desperate to find her husband the best lawyer and Alf says he knows exactly who to call…

The next morning, Morag turns up the police station and announces she's Zac’s new lawyer, but in the process she ruffles Dylan’s feathers and it's clear the two share a mutual dislike for one another. Zac admits to Morag that he followed Charlotte on the night of her death, but nothing else took place. Despite the lack of evidence, Dylan charges Zac with the murder of Charlotte King.

Also, Andy and Ash are down in the dumps, as their car mechanics business has come to a halt thanks to having no premises. Suddenly Andy has a brainwave and suggests using the large patch green in the Caravan Park.

Ellen Markwardt
Listings Editor at TV Times

I've always had a passion for TV and movies, and got my dream job as TV Times Listings Editor over a decade ago. previously I was interviewing celebrities on a freelance basis for What's On TV, TV Easy and TV & Satellite Week magazines. There's nothing better than going behind-the-scenes of TV shows to bring our readers on set secrets and gossip! As well as my main role at TV Times, I also write Coronation Street spoilers for and write daily On Demand reviews.