Doctors spoilers: Will Sid Vere snoop through CONFIDENTIAL medical records?

Doctors, Sid Vere, Tye Vere, Estelle Vere

Sid is desperate for answers about his long-lost brother Laurence. But will he resort to unethical behaviour to find out more?

Desperate for answers about his long-lost brother, Laurence, mixed-up medic Sid Vere considers snooping through his parents' confidential medical records in search of information about the child they abandoned at birth.

However, Sid's surgery colleague Ruhma Carter strongly disapproves of him breaking patient confidentiality rules, and she feels his parents Estelle and Tye must have had their reasons for what they did.

But Sid is snappish with Ruhma and shuts the door, ending the discussion. He's convinced the medical notes will provide some clues to Laurence's whereabouts. Will Sid break the rules and risk his reputation as a doctor?

Doctors, Mrs Geraldine Woods

Mrs Geraldine Woods appears to be fine... or is she? (Picture: BBC)

Meanwhile, Dr Emma Reid and nurse Ayesha Lee team-up to check on an anxious patient, Mrs Geraldine Woods (played by ex-EastEnders star Louise 'Rosa di Marco' Jameson).

However, things take a terrible turn when the medics get distracted and realise they forgot to check the medication doses Geraldine has been taking.

Doctors, Emma Reid, Ayesha Lee, Mrs Geraldine Woods

999 emergency! Emma and Ayesha's patient takes a turn for the worse... (Picture: BBC)

By the time they get back to her house, Geraldine is slumped unconscious on the sofa...

Doctors continues weekdays at 1:45pm on BBC One

Simon Timblick

Simon has long been a fan of soap operas, and especially loves OVER-THE-TOP plots involving evil twins, hair-pulling catfights and natural disasters. Anyone remember the Sunset Beach earthquake/tidal wave? Or when Krystle Carrington got locked in the attic and replaced by look-a-like Rita in Dynasty?!

Simon has written for a variety of TV and childrens’ magazines/websites including Inside Soap, Nickelodeon, What’s On TV, Radio Times, Metro, Girl Talk, Disney Girl, Toxic! and Digital Spy. He has reported LIVE from the red carpet at The British Soap Awards interviewing glammed-up stars from soapland, and hosted a Facebook LIVE session for Metro with Home and Away legend Ray Meagher (Alf "Stone the flamin' crows!" Stewart) to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Aussie soap.

Simon is also co-author of The Treasures Of Coronation Street (Carlton Books)

And the writer and director of (very!) low budget fright flick, Midsummer Night's EVIL and the sequel webisodes series, The Hatchet Woods HORROR.