Holby City spoilers: Scheming Cameron KILLS again!

Holby Cameron kills Bobby
(Image credit: BBC)

When patient Bobby Edwards recognises him from the scene of Xavier's accident, killer Cameron knows he must take drastic action…

For a while now it's seemed that scheming Holby medic Cameron Dunn has literally been getting away with murder. But now it looks like his deadly past is finally catching up with him.

Cameron was left shaken last week when he was recognised by patient Bobby Edwards (Mr Selfridges’ Calum Callaghan). Bobby was the cyclist who, last year, accidentally knocked down registrar Xavier Duval - and this week he tells Cameron he saw him steal Xavier’s bag and flee the scene, leaving him to die.

Back then, Xavier was on his way to police with evidence that Cameron had killed Chloe’s ex Evan - now Bobby plans to tell police what HE knows about the evil doctor…

Holby Cameron Xavier

I'm watching you: Xavier (Marcus Griffiths) knew Cameron was up to no good - and had to prove it!

Somewhat unsurprisingly, Cameron’s first course of action is to go on the attack - he tells Bobby that, if he informs police about what he did, then he’ll just have to tell them that Bobby struck Xavier with such force that he was frightened of what he was capable of. And THAT'S why he ran!

MORE: Holby City’s Nic Jackman on how Cameron KILLS again: ‘This is no accident!’

When these threats don't work, Cameron then tries to appeal to Bobby's softer side by saying he feels it's time he came clean to police himself. Deep down, though, Cameron realises Bobby isn't falling for his games, so he decides he has no choice but to silence him the only way he knows how…

Elsewhere at Holby, Hanssen gets a blast from the past when Sahira's father, Reyhan Shah, is admitted to Keller. Although Hanssen is usually quite serious, he’s never rude and is always the consummate professional. But here he seems far from pleased to see Reyhan and can barely even look at him.

TV tonight Holby City

Shaken and stirred: Why is Hanssen so rattled by the appearance of Sahira's father?

Then, when Hanssen tries to avoid treating him altogether, a frustrated Sahira threatens to operate herself. Being his daughter, Sahira obviously can't do that so, feeling cornered, Hanssen is forced into theatre where he proves he’s the first-class surgeon we know and love.

However, outside, Hanssen then suffers a major panic attack. There is clearly something about Reyhan that's got Hanssen so worked up - but what is it?

Holby City continues Tuesdays at 8pm on BBC1.

Victoria Wilson
Feature Writer for What’s on TV, TV Times, TV & Satellite Week and WhatToWatch.com

With over 20 years’ experience writing about TV and film, Vicky currently writes features for What’s on TV, TV Times, TV & Satellite Week magazines plus news and watching guides for WhatToWatch.com, a job which involves chatting to a whole host of famous faces. Our Vicky LOVES light entertainment, with Strictly Come Dancing, Britain’s Got Talent and The Voice UK among her fave shows. Basically, if it’s got a shiny floor, she’s all over it! When she’s not watching TV, you might find Vicky in therapy… retail therapy that is!