Home and Away Spoilers: With Ava still missing, a warring Dean and Justin almost come to blows

Justin unleashes his frustrations on Dean

With Ava still AWOL, Ash urges Justin goes to the police to report her missing. A worried Justin agrees but he's rattled when, at  the police station, Colby wonders whether there is anyone who might want to hurt him or the Morgan family. Justin says no but, later on, he has a run-in with Dean that makes him question Dean's involvement.

With the two men about to come to blows, Colby drags them both back to the police station. Dean maintains he has no idea where Ava is - but is he telling the truth?

Meanwhile, Robbo's trial takes a shocking and unexpected turn that leaves everyone reeling. Plus, there's concern when Ziggy's health goes rapidly downhill.

Maggie is certain it's because of the stem cell treatment she's undertaking and insists that her daughter should no longer be a donor but a worried Ben urges her to reconsider.

Ziggy might be on her sick bed but surely it's better than Maggie being on her death bed? What will Maggie do?


Tess Lamacraft
Senior Writer for What's On TV, TV Times, TV & Satellite week, Whattowatch.com

Tess is a senior writer for What’s On TV, TV Times, TV & Satellite and WhattoWatch.com She's been writing about TV for over 25 years and worked on some of the UK’s biggest and best-selling publications including the Daily Mirror where she was assistant editor on the weekend TV magazine, The Look, and Closer magazine where she was TV editor. She has freelanced for a whole range of websites and publications including We Love TV, The Sun’s TV Mag, Woman, Woman’s Own, Fabulous, Good Living, Prima and Woman and Home.