Brax and Ash find Billie's car

Ash's sister isn't at Broken Hill, but Ash sees Billie's car drive away and he and Brax follow her. When they lose her, the barman informs them it was Dean's car and gives them Dean's address.

Back in Summer Bay, Andy tells Ricky that Brax has ordered him to take her to her hospital appointment. At the hospital they find out Sophie has drugged Hannah to avoid going to a psychiatric ward. Ricky reschedules her appointment to help Nate spread the word about Sophie's disappearance. Later, Ricky breaks down to Nate as she is petrified Brax his putting himself on the line.

When Hannah wakes up, she tells Nate she tried to administer the drug to Sophie, but she grabbed the syringe and drugged her. Later, Andy tells her he still has feelings for her, but Hannah doesn't respond. Hannah tells Denny she does have feelings for Andy, but Denny doesn't want him around after Casey's death.

Ellen Markwardt
Listings Editor at TV Times

I've always had a passion for TV and movies, and got my dream job as TV Times Listings Editor over a decade ago. previously I was interviewing celebrities on a freelance basis for What's On TV, TV Easy and TV & Satellite Week magazines. There's nothing better than going behind-the-scenes of TV shows to bring our readers on set secrets and gossip! As well as my main role at TV Times, I also write Coronation Street spoilers for and write daily On Demand reviews.